Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Wow, I was so blessed by my children tonight. We had been looking forward all week to dinner at some new friends' house tonight, but sadly we couldn't make it because it started snowing at their house and they have a very steep driveway! Since our van doesn't have 4 wheel drive, we were afraid we wouldn't make it up or down the drive. The kids were soooo bummed. So, I quickly put some Carmelized Ginger Pork to cook in the oven (ya gotta love Costco's frozen section!) and some rice on the cooktop. Dinner was ready in 20 minutes and we were ready to eat...except...I all of a sudden didn't feel so hot. I rarely ever feel sick, but I had to go lay down for a minute. Everyone sat down and were totally at a loss as to what to do with me...it was kind of cute. They kept asking me from the dining room..."do you want us to go ahead and pray?" "Should we start eating without you?" I kept saying "it's fine, I just don't feel so great" and so on. 

As I was closing my eyes to take a quick rest, each of my little ones came over to check on me. Sophie came to give me two blankets and a pillow. Joshua came over to give me another pillow and to lay next to me. Eliana wanted to give me kisses (she just learned how!). Jonathan stayed around me to make sure all was well and just chatted (his way of showing me he cares). Sophie made me a picture that said MOM and had her and I holding hands with hearts. Hannah kept coming in asking if there was anything she could do for me and brought me something to eat. Sophie brought me some water (which Eliana later spilled on her foot and carpet ;)). The list goes on. I was soon feeling better and was able to get up. 

But, as I thought about the kindness that was being shown to me the most important thing I realized is that I rarely, if ever, STOP moving. I am constantly in motion. I am always doing something and most of the time I'm doing more than a couple of things at once. This little bout of "sickness" was a gift that I am thankful for. It made me stop and think about how I never stop but because I had no choice tonight, I was given a gift and my children were able to show me kindness that I rarely experience towards me because I'm tooo busy! I realized I need to stop more often and just sit and watch and observe them. Let them play around me as I laugh and just enjoy them IN THE MOMENT! That is my hearts desire and why I named this blog "Making Moment's Matter!"

If I could think of one person whom I have known who knew how to make moments matter, it would be my grandma who passed away two years ago. The most beautiful memories I have of my grandma (Meemaw) are the ones where we just "hung out" and enjoyed each other's company. She really knew how to enjoy each and every moment with her family. She was a wonderful housekeeper, cook, seemstress, volunteer, everything! But, when she was around family, especially her grandchildren, she would sit in her recliner and read to us, laugh, watch, chat, listen, smile, giggle, and just enjoy us. It was wonderful. The world stopped when we were in her presence. It's so hard to describe the unconditional love and joy that radiated from her, but her presence was so loving. I still miss her so much!

I want to purpose to make more moments matter from now on. We have been soooo busy with this move for the past 6 months that we haven't stopped to enjoy each other in the moment. 

Thank you Lord for giving me the gift tonight of having to stop and accept the kindness shown to me by the wonderful little gifts (my children) you have given me. Thank you for the privilege to take care of these little people (and not so little) each and every day. They are such blessings to me and oh how I want to make each moment count all the time. I want to give them the gift of kindness and the gift of joy and unconditional love that my grandma gave me. I want their memories of their childhood to be ones of joy and laughter, security and love, kindness and thoughtfulness, and most of all of you Lord being present in our home and in our lives. Teach me to teach them your ways and to teach them the way you want me to teach each and every day. I give each and every day to you. I love you Lord and am so grateful for my wonderful life! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our first field trip!

We were so blessed the other day to get to go on a tour of K-Love Radio Station! They are in Rocklin which is about 35 minutes from our new house. We have always supported their ministry and feel that having their radio station as a choice for our family has been a huge blessing. We were contacted by one of our friends who works there and asked to take a tour. We got to meet Mike Novak, Larry Wayne, Scott and Kelli, and many more. It was very exciting. The kids got to try on headphones in the studio with Scott and Kelli and pretend to be D.J.'s. We learned all about the ministry and how the radio station works. It was awesome! Emily is thinking she might like to volunteer there when she turns 16 next summer.

Meeting Larry Wayne

Meeting Mike Novak

K-Love D.J. Emily Carpenter ;) in the studio!

K-Love D.J.'s Josh and Sophie on the air!

Wes listening to AMAZING stories from Scott!

Hangin' with Ashton on Air1

All of us get to meet D.J.'s Scott and Kelli!

Our First Snow

The front of our house
Jonathan enjoying the snow!
Our cars covered with the white stuff!
Our front drive
Our barn in the snow!
The house and barn

Wow! We had an incredible blessing yesterday afternoon...SNOW! Our new place is at about 1500 feet above sea level so it doesn't snow very often, but this year it has snowed 3 or 4 times already. We have missed all of those times while we were in Santa Cruz waiting for the remodel, but not this time! We were ready with snow clothes and the kids actually got to make a snowman they called "Sam". It was soooo cute! I'll have to stock up on some hot cocoa just in case it happens again! God is so good. Everyday brings another event to make us love living here. Enjoy the pics...

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