Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, May 12, 2011

BUGS and other stuff

Okay...so I've had to make a big adjustment in my thinking the past few weeks regarding insects. I don't like them at all! I can DEAL with them if they are far away from me, but I can't kill them and I definitely can't live with them in my house! But, I have realized for some reason our new house has them INSIDE as well as outside! I don't know if my three year old bug loving boy is bringing them in, our dog is bringing them in on her fur, or if they are already here!

First my three year old regularly finds these and plays with them all the time...ugh! At least they are outside ;)

Then about two weeks ago I was sitting on the couch and noticed our dog trying to sniff something on the carpet. I went over to investigate and found this!!! A centipede!!!

The day before Mother's Day my 7 year old boy came up to me asking if he could have a band aid because his hand was hurting him. Upon further investigation I noticed it was twice the size as his other hand. Looking closer I noticed two very distinct puncture holes where a spider had probably bit him. He didn't have a fever and there were no red streaks so we decided to wait. It has been a few days now and his hand is almost back to normal, thank the Lord.

A few nights ago my poor daughter woke me up in the middle of night to tell me something big and black fell on her nose in bed! My hubby went to investigate and found this in her covers!!!

It's called a House Centipede and is apparently harmless...except when they cause a heart attack from falling on you in the middle of the night!

The next morning while brushing my 6 year old daughter's hair she screamed "Ahhh, there's a tick in my hair!" It couldn't be...could it? I looked down on the floor to investigate and sure enough found this!!!!

Then...last night it was MY turn! I had just gone to bed and put my head on my pillow when my hair was tickling my neck. That's weird, how can my hair be moving and tickling my neck when I'm laying still? I immediately got my phone and turned the light on and flashed it on the bed to find this crawling inches away from me!!!

Finally...one last notation. I needed to edit this entry because of this! 

Just after writing this blog entry, my 7 year old boy was reading it and looking at the pictures. I turned around to see what he thought and noticed a small black speck in his ear! I thought it was a piece of dirt or something...but, it wasn't! It was a baby tick! Ugh! 

Please help me! Who is next???


  1. Oh my goodness, Shannon! Yuck!! I wouldn't handle those bugs very well! I would go to the hardware store and spray around your house some insect killer. I know the chemicals aren't probably the best for you, but I really couldn't live with those. I've sprayed our house before for spiders, and it did help. If I had those bugs, I would probably hire professionals to do it! Seriously!!

  2. Yes, we are considering hiring professionals. Wes did get some kind of bug killer and sprayed, but that was weeks ago. Maybe it takes a while to work? I think it might be too because the house wasn't lived in for so long and we are probably disturbing their little houses they made in our yard and under the house??? Time will tell.


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