Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, August 6, 2020

A New Podcast!

About a year ago my friend Allie Suydam told me I should be listening to this amazing podcast (Before Breakfast) she just started listening to and how she was learning a ton about leadership, time management, and other topics. I wasn't really into listening to podcasts mostly because I'm a visual learner and don't tend to remember things I hear. BUT...I decided to give it a try and found out I loved it! Thank you Allie! I now listen to podcasts while multi tasking with something else like getting ready in the morning, laundry/ironing, taking a walk by myself, or sometimes driving. It's a great way to learn something new or get inspired.

After being interviewed for the Mom Inspired Show Podcast last month I was asked by several people if Heart of Homeschooling could do a podcast. So...I decided to start a podcast for Heart of Homeschooling! It's not super flashy and pretty basic, but I had fun putting it together. This first episode is about how to get started homeschooling. It's great especially for those new to homeschooling and those who don't know what to do now that most charters are not accepting new students.

I hope you like it.

Oh! And I'm looking for homeschooling moms and dads to have on the show for future episodes. So, if you are interested, please email me at shannon@heartofhomeschooling.org.

Here's the first Heart of Homeschooling episode 1 for the series - Simple Steps to Homeschooling Success: https://anchor.fm/heart-of-homeschooling

Also, if you are interested in hearing my interview with the Mom Inspired Show go here: https://mominspiredshow.com/homeschooling-101-series-part-4-shannon-carpenter-197/

Monday, August 3, 2020

Does God ever speak to you? Are you listening?

Does God ever speak to you? Are you listening? You have to quiet yourself sometimes to hear from Him. He speaks through His Word, devotions, other people, nature, etc. He confirms things he’s putting on your heart to encourage you on your path and purpose (and sometimes convict you to get you back on the right path).
This past week I’ve been feeling the Lord wanting me to pray about the words I speak (and my thoughts). He is showing me how subtle it is to have negative thoughts and words take root or become a bad habit in our life. I pray my words would be life giving and an encouragement to the hearer. I’ve been more attentive to my words each day as the Lord continues to teach me and show me what he desires. I’m learning to slow down and pray before speaking. It’s not easy!
Then this popped up today in my Jesus Calling devo. Hoping it encourages you about your words and how God can speak to you too about what He wants for your life! Pray today and ask Him what He wants for you!
Thank you Lord for your encouragement! ❤️
Image may contain: text that says 'AUGUST3 WATCH such great power carelessly verbalize you image. You created wound. others well privilege, granted only help wielding mighty applauds retorts, My instruction communication different: Be quick listen, slow become help you whenever trained Holy Spirit"- before the this discipline. Simply discipline communicating with people around you. pray before speaking them. are before responding are split-second prayers, touch My Presence. way,your under control My patterns replace negative the increase amaze the your Joy will sword, tongueof wise brings healing. PROVERBS 12:18 My andslow angry. JAMES1 helpfulfor building ccordingt listen. EPHESIANS 4:29'


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