Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, April 3, 2010


This has been a season of illness for me. I normally don't get sick much at all, but I am currently getting over my second case of pneumonia since January. I also have something wrong with my left arm and back pain from my cough. I feel like I'm falling apart. My ear has been hurting me lately from the tumor as well. My surgery isn't until May 17th.

I have been thinking about all of this and wondering if I shouldn't be spending more time with God asking what I could do to change something in order to have better health. I will be turning 40 this year and I don't want my  health to start declining just because I am getting older. I want to be a Grandma and and Great-Grandma someday and I need to be healthy now in order to reach those years.

I know for one that I could eat healthier than I do. I could cut out the sweets and definitely eat more fruits and veggies. I still have about 20 pounds to lose since having Eliana and I could exercise more too. With the pneumonia and the cough that goes with it I feel like I've even gotten more lazier in the area of exercise and healthy eating. It's a vicious cycle. I get sick so I stop exercising. I'm tired from being sick so I can't plan our meals and I eat fast food/junk. I stay sick because I'm not eating right. The cycle continues.

I know I need to change my ways. I want to start eating and taking care of my body how God wants me to. I pray that He will show me what His plan is for me and that I will have the courage to make those changes. I have learned that I can't copy what works for someone else, I need to pray and follow God's special plan for me. He made my body and knows what is best.

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