Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Do you ever get distracted? Do you lose focus on what you were doing to find you go to bed and question whether you accomplished and finished any of your tasks that you set out to do that day? I do...all the time. I'm constantly multi-tasking throughout the day and I leave something I started to go take care of something else or someone else and come back later to find my 2 year old got into whatever "it" is or I forget about entirely for a few day! So...I have been thinking and praying for a solution. The solution is to live more simply! We already live a pretty simple life relatively speaking, but there are two areas of our lives we can improve on in order to bring more simple living to our home.
1. Organizing and decluttering our home (which I've already been working on)
2. Revamping our daily schedule (and being more strict with it)

Number two is definitely an area I need to work on. Since my newest blessing arrived last November and the illnesses that have plagued our family we have gotten totally off our normal routine. I have noticed that the children have acquired attitude problems as a result. Because I have not been enforcing a schedule and they have been "allowed" freedom to choose when to do chores and school they have attitudes when I tell them to do something because they think they have a choice. They have been able to choose privileges first before chores and responsibilities because there has been a lack of accountability from me! This is totally my fault and I am doing them a disservice by allowing this to continue since the unwanted behavior is then being practiced everyday instead of the behavior I want! God wants me to train my children to be hard-workers, to learn to be diligent and obedient, to be servant oriented and kind. When I allow them to choose their own schedules because I am too tired or lazy to reinforce a schedule I have put in place for our family then of course they will choose the easiest route or the most fun choice. Who wants to work hard if no one is requiring you to? This reinforces selfishness, laziness, and disobedience. The opposite of what I want in my children!

So...I am convicted by the Lord to choose the right and hard choice for me too. It's hard to keep my children accountable! I would rather take the easier route too. I would rather sleep in a little, have my coffee in the morning instead of exercising and hang out for a while. But, when I do this it's 11:00 before I know it and I've accomplished nothing! Then I feel bad for not getting more done and that's no way to start the day. I have been distracted and I've let bad habits seep into our days, but NO MORE! I know a schedule will keep me focused on my tasks and help my children stay focused as well.

A schedule will also allow me to have more time since I will be getting more accomplished! More time will free me up to do things I have been wanting to do. I have been wanting to sew and do some other projects, but haven't found the time because I'm always putting out fires? Why? Because the children are running around not having a focus or purpose either. A schedule will allow my children to have more time for things they want to do too. With summer coming I need to get us back on track. Time to get back to the basics and re-read my MOTH (Managers of Their Homes) book. If you don't know about this website, check it out. The Maxwell's are such a blessing to others with their encouragement and help for homeschooling families.

Until next time...


  1. I know I've talked to you about my having-children-onset ADD. Ugh! Thanks for the encouragement to get back on track with a schedule. I have resisted following the MOTH book because schedules like that scare me, but honestly, my chaotic life right now is even scarier! Let's keep eachother accountable in this! ;)

  2. Yes, definitely. I have been working on my schedule this week and am almost done for our Summer Schedule. I agree that you need to be careful using the MOTH schedule as it can become what controls your day instead of God being in charge of your day. Then you go crazy trying to follow the schedule EXACTLY instead of being led by the Holy Spirit. But, I think I have grown a lot since I last used it and I hope I can finally use it as it was intended - as a guide or anchor to give order when needed. I'm also involving my older girls to help decide what they want to do. Let me know when you get yours up and running and we can share!


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