Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two Year Olds

“Wachusay?” (What did you say?) and “Lemon See” (Let me see) are among the many words my two year old Joshua says daily. Two year olds are adorable and I am enjoying my little guy more than ever. He is an adventurer at heart and it is so much fun to watch him just enjoy life. He gets into EVERYTHING, likes to try everything new and dangerous, makes messes by the minute, and loves to kiss his baby sister and “hode her pweez.” He is such a love bug and so inquisitive. His latest love besides Eliana? "Snayos and roy-poys" (snails and rolli-pollis). He just loves to go in the back yard and find “baby snails” and let them crawl all over him. Priceless.

These days go by so fast. My oldest is almost 15 and creeping up on adulthood. I want to slow down and enjoy each and every moment and make them last! Our days with our children are so precious and I am so grateful that the Lord has blessed us with this wonderful bunch of seven beauties.

Wes and I went out on our weekly date night the other night and saw the movie “Back up Plan.” It was a cute romantic comedy that was pretty funny. There was one scene at a park where an experienced dad of three kiddos was giving advice to another dad who was expecting his first child on what having children is like. The experienced dad was saying “Most days are awful, awful, awful, aaawwwfffuuullll, awful. But then something magical and wonderful happens and you forget all the awful that happened. Until…the awful happens again and it starts all over again.” Then, his younger son comes up and sits on his lap and the new dad asks “Is this one of those magical and wonderful moments?” The experienced dad says “Yeeeaaaahhhh.” Then he notices something is in his son’s hand and asks “What’s in your hand, son?” His son says “Poop, Daddy” while opening his hand to show him. His dad then says “Oh no! Is it a cat’s poop that you found in the sand?” Son says, “Nope.” Dad says “Is it your poop then?” with a hopeful look on his face. Then the son says the unthinkable, “No, his poop” while pointing to another little boy in the sand box.. Ha, ha, too funny. Who can relate? It’s good to be able to laugh at the “awful” stuff sometimes, isn’t it? 

1 comment:

  1. I found that I really enjoyed the discovery stages of my youngest children so much more than the older ones (I just didn't know any better with the older ones - one advantage of having so many children!). Joshua with the little snail crawling on his hand reminded me of a time when my oldest son came in the house (around age four or five) with an ARMFUL of banana slugs (yes, he had them ALL over his arm!). It was pretty disgusting to clean all that slime off. I'm not easily grossed out, but that episode really almost did me in . . . he never did it again!


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