Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Children: How many is too many?

This is a great post from a blog I read regularly. Check it out ;)
Large Family Mothering: Should we put a limit on children?: We talk big, but our actions reveal the truth. Armed and dangerous? Confident in our promise of heaven after death, we fill our minds with...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

L is for the way you look tonight...

My awesome hubby and I got to go to an absolutely fabulous Valentines Banquet at our church. The entertainment was awesome ;) I'm not biased at all. Check it out here!
Emily is on the left. Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Seeking His Face

I am reading Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. It is a devotional that has been on my list to get since I heard about it on Klove a few months ago. It is absolutely wonderful. God is stirring my heart to long for Him and His Presence through this little devotional and teaching me how to have a dialog and not just a monolog with Him as I seek His face every morning. For a little taste, here is the devotion from Feb. 5:

     "Seek My Face, and you will find not only My Presence but also My Peaace. To receive My Peace, you must change your grasping, controlliing stance to one of openness and trust. The only thing you can grasp without damaging your soul is My hand. Ask My Spirit within you to order your day and control your thoughts, for the mind controlled by the Spirit is Life and Peace.
     You can have as much of Me and My Peace as you want, through theousands of correct choices each day. The most persistent choice you face is whether to trust Me or to worry. You will never run out of things to worry about, but you can choose to trust Me no matter what. I am an ever-present help in trouble. Trust Me, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

Scripture is in Italics throughout each day and there are also verse references. God has been doing incredible things lately and I will be posting as things progress, but my prayer each day is for God to "control my thoughts and order my day" and He is faithful to do just that! I challenge you to do the same. We can all get so caught up in our busy lives, but if we just stop and take a breath and ask God to order our days in the way He wants them to go it focuses us on Him instead of the craziness of our hectic lives. He'll exchange our heavy burden for His much lighter one as we focus on Him!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

90 Day Fast from Email, Phone, and Social Media

Do you ever wonder if you could take a 90 fast from all the technology in your life? What would your life be like? Would you gain hours you never knew you had? Would you increase the quality in your personal relationships because you would actually be paying full, 100% attention to the person talking to you in person? Read this enlightening article by someone who did this and let me know if you are challenged to do the same! I know I am and so is my 16 year old daughter! It would be fun to keep track of the pros and cons.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Love My Life

Sometimes I feel sorry for myself. Do you ever do that? Do you ever start thinking thoughts like "why is my life so hard?" or "why don't I have enough time to even finish reading a good book?" But, then I have to remember my pink bracelet from Nancy Campbell. It says "I am above Self Pity" I ALWAYS wear it to remind myself to NOT have self pity! Nancy gave it to me at my last Above Rubies Retreat last Oct. and I think it was sent from God. This is a weakness of mine... to fall into self pity. And yet, I have sooooo much to be thankful for! What is wrong with me? Why do I always feel sorry for myself when the going gets rough? It is definitely a weakness that I want to overcome.

So, I am here to profess...I love my life! It is just what I have always wanted! Since I was a little girl I always dreamed of marrying a blonde surfer dude. Guess what? I got him! I always dreamed of having at least four children...guess what? I have seven! I always dreamed of living in the country just like Little House on the Prairie that I watched every Monday night at 8:00pm on NBC...guess what? I live there! I now live in a beautiful country home in the foothills and look out on the country setting just like Laura saw! I always dreamed of having a horse since I was five years old...guess what? I do! I always dreamed of having hot summers and warm summer nights...guess what? I now have that and more...a pool to swim in, rivers to play in, and much more. I always dreamed of a small country church to be a part of....guess what? We've found one and it's only 5 minutes away! Cool Coomunity Church! I always dreamed of having enough money to travel...guess what? We do and we get to travel with our kiddos to wonderful places like Palm Springs and Lake Tahoe! I am so blessed. I just forget it sometimes! Don't we all? I love my life and I am so thankful to God for planting the seeds that grew into what they are now. Thank you God for creating me and taking hold of my heart when I was still young. Thank you for sending your son Jesus.

My point is this. God gives you the desires of your heart. I used to think that that meant that whatever WE desired, God would give us. But NO...it means that God plants HIS desires in your heart and then we either allow them to grow or we don't. When we allow them to grow we can then finally see those desires fulfilled because we are living our lives in God's plan and purpose for us. That is when we can feel His peace...and oh what a wondeful feeling to live a life for God and not for us! To be a part of HIS plan. To surrender ALL. When I am fully surrendered is when I can fully be thankful and Love my life. How about you? Are you loving your life?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't be afraid to go to the Doctor!

Well...it has been quite a while since I've had the energy and time to write. Even now, I'm struggling with wanting to get to bed. But, my desire is to keep this blog as an encouragement to my children and to log memories for us to look back on. So...I wanted to bring you up to date.

First the sad news...We had our third miscarriage just before Christmas. It was so sudden and very surprising that it is still hard to believe. We were all very sad. We know that we will see all three babies in Heaven one day and that they are in the arms of Jesus right now. We will miss not getting to watch them grow and hear them laugh and just be a part of our everyday lives though and wonder what it would have been like to have them here with us. We pray that we will be blessed with more children to add to our family, but if not, we are content with the wonderful seven that are here in our home right now. How precious they all are and how wonderful it is to enjoy each moment that we have to spend together. I love you all!

Now, the good news...After miscarrying I was talking with a friend who shared with me that she had two healthy babies and then miscarried 4 babies. Her doctor ran a bunch of blood tests on her and one came back with the news that she had a blood clotting problem that kept nutrients from reaching the fetus. So, with the help of medicine to thin her blood she was able to have two more healthy pregnancies and babies. This news encouraged me to see a new doctor who suggested some blood tests which led to me finding out that I have a very similar disorder! It's called MTHFR DNA mutation. Crazy name, huh? I was shocked, but also elated to find out that I could do something about it. I was so worried I would lose more babies and then find out years down the road that I could have done something. So, my "treatment" is to take baby aspirin and also a high dose of folic acid and B vitamins. The mutation doesn't let my body assimilate folic acid and B vitamins and also causes my blood to clot. So, the newly formed embryo then does not receive vital nutrients it needs to develop properly and grow. There are also other things I need to learn and try not to worry about like the fact that this might increase my risk of heart disease and stroke. But, that all could be preventable and treatable by taking the baby aspirin and other medicine for the rest of my life...at least I found out now!!! So, I am praising the Lord that he directed my path to my friend sharing and leading me to the right doctor who ordered the right tests. Thank you Lord!

The moral of this story is...Don't be afraid to go to the doctor :)

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