Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Happiest Place On Earth

I’m sorry I haven’t written in a while…The reason is that we spent last week at “The Happiest Place on Earth.” We had a wonderful time making lots of memories that we will remember for a long time. We were even blessed to have my parents join us for half of the trip and we also celebrated my second daughter Sarah’s 12th birthday. What a special way to celebrate! We enjoyed great weather and no ride lines longer than 5 minutes on most of the days. Late winter is a great time to go. Our little ones were the most fun to watch as their eyes lit up when Mickey appeared or Cinderella took Sophie’s little four-year-old hand to dance like a princess. There is nothing like going to Disneyland with a two and four year old, it truly brings you back to the younger years of life.

I am thankful we live so close to Disneyland that we have made it a family tradition to take our vacations there quite often and we even have annual passes thanks to grandma’s and grandpa’s Christmas gifts. The memories we’ve made will last a lifetime. However, after spending a week in such a magical place I can’t help but ask myself “is my home the happiest place on earth?”

I know it may sound silly because obviously you can’t live a fantasy life like you do while you are at Disneyland, but it really is my hearts desire to make memories of a lifetime with my children while they are in my home. I love my family so much and know so well how short our lives are and I want to make every moment matter (ha!). Yet, I find this so hard to do in the daily grind. Do you struggle with this too? I struggle with the Martha verses Mary lifestyle choices each day. I find as a mom it’s so important to try to balance that diligent, hard-working Proverbs 31 woman with the live in the moment, obedient, Holy Spirit led personality we see displayed through Mary. I know you know what I mean.

I find two things essential to making it work for our home:
1. Spending time with the Lord on a daily basis
2. Having a plan for the day, but being open to God changing your plan.

Without these two essential steps, my days go by the wayside and I live my life being reactive instead of proactive. I want to be more proactive so that I can be prepared for each moment and for the Lord’s direction. It’s easier said than done. But that is my goal and what I purpose to do. I have failed many times (including today!), but the Lord is gracious and I can start each new day fresh.

Thank you Lord for each new morning. I give each and every new day to you. Lead us in our actions and thoughts with one another and direct our paths. Help us to plan our days, but be open to your Holy Spirit’s leading at same time. Give us your wisdom to be diligent with the precious time you have given us on this earth and help us to further your kingdom.
In your Son’s name, Amen.

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