Heart of Homeschooling

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Schedules and Time Management

Boy have I been lazy lately! I have always loved schedules and being orderly, but over the years I have had to learn how to relax a little because I'm married to a very spontaneous man who doesn't wear a watch and who loves living in the moment! However, the Lord is changing him lately and he has been telling me that I need to be stricter with the children and get them back on a better routine and schedule. I guess I have gotten too lax! So...we are adding more structure to our lives. Today was the first day of our new routine and it went really great! I am taking baby steps and praying a lot! Here are some changes we are making...
1. Get up on time. In our house that means by 8:00 am. None of us are morning people and we have gotten into the habit of sleeping in too late.
2. All of us will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. We will follow the meal plan for the day that I have made in advance. I make a meal plan, but have been lax in enforcing it lately for breakfast and lunch and as a result the older children have been eating what they want which is a lot of times very unhealthy. Also, when we stick to a plan we save money in the long run!
3. We all do our chores together. In our house that means three times a day...Morning Jobs, Day Jobs, and Night Jobs. I have also been slacking in this area with keeping the children and myself accountable, but not anymore :)
4. Mom gets up before the children (7:30) to exercise and then spend some time in the Word. I am currently re-reading The Power of Motherhood by Nancy Campbell of Above Rubies. Love it!
5. Everyone in bed by 9:00 pm. Mom goes to bed by 11:00 or earlier.
6. Last, but not least, be thankful and joyful in all we do. Show the children by my example that I am thankful that I am able to take care of them and our home on a daily basis. More is caught than taught!

If I can stick to these basics our days go so much smoother. Here's a look at our basic schedule by the hour that I'm trying to stick too. We did pretty good today.

7:30 Mom wakes to exercise and spend time with God. Older girls read Bibles in bed.
8:00 Morning Jobs: make bed, shower, get dressed, brush teeth, brush hair, help buddies (older coupled with a younger child), feed pets, and general clean up.
9:00 Eat breakfast together and have Bible time as a family. Clean up kitchen.
10:00 All kids start school. Mom works with non-readers.
11:00 Continue school
12:00 Lunch and clean up
1:00 Continue school for older children. Quiet time for younger children.
2:00 Monday: Baking Day
        Tuesday: Gymnastics for older four children while Mom runs errands
        Wednesday: Library Day and other errands
        Thursday: Music Day: Practice praise and worship songs
        Friday: Sewing and Arts/Crafts Day
3:00 Snack and outside play time or continue errands/above classes
4:00 Day Jobs: Clean up province (area of house that each child is assigned to clean up), put away personal items, clean up room, put away laundry, help buddy
5:00 Get ready for dinner. Cooking class and etiquette. Set the table.
6:00 Eat dinner
7:00 Clean up dinner and have Family Bible Time and worship
8:00 Night Jobs: Clean up stuff, baths, jammies on, brush teeth, brush hair, prayers.
9:00 Lights off. Older girls may stay up until 9:30.
Mom does laundry off and on throughout the day.

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